Super Charge Your Projects!!

~ Tricks to increase speed, efficiency, and productivity ~

Super Charge Your Projects!! - ~ Tricks to increase speed, efficiency, and productivity ~

More Keyboard, Less Mouse!

From YouTube: a great video tutorial by Mike “excelisfun” Girvin going over the keyboard shortcuts.

Okay, maybe it’s close to impossible to completely rid of the mouse, but I did notice that the keyboard shortcuts are very underused. Truth is that most don’t even know about these keyboard shortcut. Here are some keyboard shortcuts that can dramatically speed up your productivity,

The Shortcuts

  1. Ctrl + C = Copy
  2. Ctrl + V = Paste
  3. Ctrl + X = Cut
  4. Ctrl + F2 = Print Preview
  5. Excel 2003 Alt + F + U = Page Setup
  6. Excel 2007 Alt P + S + P = Page Setup
  7. Ctrl + Arrows keys = Move to end of current region
  8. Ctrl + Home = select cell A1
  9. Ctrl + Roller-ball-on-mouse = Zoom
  10. Atl + “=” = is the keyboard shortcut for Auto SUM
  11. Shift + Click selects range between to cells
  12. Ctrl + Shift + arrow = Select whole current region (This trick is the best Excl keyboard shortcut)

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